Serving the Needs of Our Church Family
The Congregational Care Ministry at First Presbyterian Church includes purposeful visitation through pastors, elders, deacons, and the Pastoral Care Support Group. More important than these programs, however, is the hope that all church members and friends realize how the congregational care staff is available to them for any need that arises.
Our Pastoral Care Ministry lovingly serves all areas of our church, from hospital visits and meal team coordination to counseling and care during times of bereavement. For details associated with a funeral, please call the church office.
Care Ministry
A unique ministry of Pastoral Care at First Presbyterian Church is its network of Care Teams. Groups of volunteer church members have been organized to help with specific needs members might have.
This ministry oversees Marriage, Parenting, and Missions Conferences. The 2025 Marriage Conference: Deep and Abiding Connection with Rev. Josh Squires will be held on Friday, February 28, in Jackson Hall. Check-in will open at 5:30. Dinner will be served at 5:45 p.m. The final session will conclude at 8:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided. Please register by Friday, February 20. Cost is $20/couple.
Counseling Center
The Christian Counseling Center has the unique role in assisting First Presbyterian Church by providing Biblically-based clinical counseling and preventative services in order to build vibrant lives and strong families. This ministry is available to members of the church as well as to all who seek personal and relational wholeness.
Missions Ministry
If one thing is clear in Scripture, it is this: God is a missionary God. His desire to bless the nations is a thread that is woven from Genesis to Revelation. Tap the button below to discover more about our Local and World Missions efforts!
Seniors Ministry
Purpose: To continue to engage our senior adults in the covenant community as they age, by ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ both to them and with them, and by facilitating connections with church and community resources. Tap the button below to learn more about our Seniors Ministry!
Did you know we have a dedicated Prayer Room located in the Ministry Building in Room 102? Click the button below to reserve the space.
Weekly Prayer Opportunities:
Weekly Prayer Opportunities:
- Elders' Prayer: Sundays 8:00 AM
- Ministry Building, Room 402
- Men's Prayer: Tuesdays 7:30 AM
- Ministry Building, Room 102
Responding to Hurricane Helene
Please click the button below for more information on how to access and give support in the wake of the damage from Hurricane Helene.

Pastoral Care Ministry Team
Joel Semwezi
Eric Gardner
Bobbie Lackey
Pastoral Intern - Counseling
Pastoral Intern - Pastoral Care
(803) 799 9062, ext. 556
(803) 799 9062, ext. 556
Divorce Care Ministry